
Dear reader, my daughter is currently 1 year old. Initially, she felt a sore throat when speaking, and we noticed that she has been coughing quite severely. It seems like she has had a low fever that hasn’t subsided. What should be noted when a child has tonsillitis with a low fever?


Diet is extremely important in the recovery process of tonsillitis. It is suggested to consume plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, as they are rich in vitamins and can help enhance the immune system. Options include fruits like pears, watermelons, tangerines, and pomegranates, as well as vegetables such as green leafy vegetables and tomatoes. It’s also advisable to choose easily digestible foods like porridge and noodles. Additionally, make sure to drink plenty of plain water, reduce intake of inflammatory foods such as beef and mutton, and seafood should be eaten sparingly or not at all. Moreover, it’s important to cultivate good eating habits in children.