
My son is 3 years old and has just started to feel a little pain in his throat. He also has a slight cough and a bit of fever, and he seems less energetic. How should I feed him a reasonable diet when he has tonsillitis and fever?


If you discover that your child has tonsillitis, it is crucial to treat it promptly. Additionally, you can incorporate more vegetables and fruits into their daily diet. These foods are not only mild and non-irritating but also rich in nutrients, which can help strengthen their immune system. However, when choosing fruits, be cautious about overly cold ones. Opt for fruits with a neutral temperature, such as apples and kiwis. For their regular meals, choose easily digestible options like congee or noodles. Avoid giving them foods like beef, mutton, poultry eggs, and seafood at this stage. Of course, spicy dishes like spicy hotpot should also be avoided. It’s also important to help your child break the bad habit of picky eating and ensure they absorb a balanced diet.