
I always feel like there’s something in my eye, and my vision has also dropped sharply. I’ve been fitted with glasses, but soon my vision dropped again. It seems like something is growing inside my eye. I’ve been very busy and haven’t had time to go to the hospital.


Orbital tumors, also known as orbital tumors, include tumors of the eyelids, conjunctiva, layers of the eye, and its appendages. Both benign and malignant tumors can damage eye tissues and functions, with malignant tumors potentially harming the eye and vision. They can also spread to the periorbital area, intracranial space, or metastasize throughout the body. Malignant tumors in certain organs or tissues throughout the body can also metastasize to the eye. If they grow through the optic canal or superior orbital fissure into the intracranial space, they can threaten the patient’s life and cause serious consequences. It is recommended to undergo a detailed examination at a hospital.