The mother of a 54-year-old patient has a large malignant tumor, presenting with ascites and persistent fever for four days, with a body temperature of 38 degrees Celsius, and signs of lung infection. Medication treatment has not shown significant effects, and surgery cannot be performed. The patient is currently fed through a nasogastric tube with liquid food. How can nutritional supplementation be effectively achieved?
The patient may be in the late stage of malignant tumors, with the recurrence of ascites possibly due to hypoalbuminemia caused by liver metastasis. The fever may be due to low immunity and pathogenic infection. It is recommended to administer intravenous infusions of albumin, amino acids, and fat emulsion to adjust the balance of water and electrolytes and correct endocrine disorders, stabilize the condition, and extend survival time. For severely ill patients with malignant tumors, it is advised to seek medical attention promptly and follow the doctor’s treatment recommendations.