
Dear Parent, my son is just over 8 months old and has just started to complain of a sore throat when talking. I noticed that he seems to have difficulty swallowing and is also running a low-grade fever. How can I treat his tonsillitis effectively?


If a child has tonsillitis, symptomatic treatment with anti-inflammatory medication can be provided. Additionally, regional treatment with medication sprays or laser therapy can be considered. If the primary symptom is sore throat, painkillers can be given. If the child has a fever, antipyretics can be taken as needed. However, if the fever does not subside, it is imperative to seek medical attention promptly. If the child experiences recurrent episodes of tonsillitis, it is recommended to undergo surgery as soon as possible. Parents should also pay attention to keeping their child warm to prevent colds that may lead to another episode of tonsillitis.