
A newborn baby suddenly has nasal congestion, making wheezing sounds while breathing, and is prone to choking while feeding. Now, they are hesitant to change diapers. How should this be handled?


Nasal congestion in a baby may be caused by nasal crusts. The formation of nasal crusts can be due to two reasons: the drying of secretions in the nasal cavity, or the baby’s tendency to spit up milk, which dries in the nasal cavity to form crusts. It is suggested to burp the baby after feeding to prevent spit up and frequently clean the nasal cavity to keep the respiratory tract open. Keep the indoor temperature between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius and the humidity between 50% and 60%. To soften the nasal crusts, drop cool water or breast milk on the crusts and then gently remove them with a cotton swab. If the baby is prone to choking while feeding, try using two fingers of another hand to pinch the nipple above the breast while feeding to slow down the flow of milk. After removing the nasal crusts, feed the baby again. May the baby grow healthily.