Treatment Methods for Infant Encephalitis and Brain Atrophy

An infant of seven months was diagnosed with encephalitis, with a course of illness lasting for one and a half months. The condition involved genetic metabolic diseases, accompanied by bilateral thalamic and frontal-temporal softening foci, as well as brain atrophy. Additionally, there were also observations of brain fissure abnormalities in the posterior part of both frontal lobes and inflammation in both mastoids.
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Treatment Methods for Pediatric Adenoid Hypertrophy

After a child’s cold subsides, two small white spots are found on the tonsils, and during afternoon naps, the child breathes through the mouth due to nasal congestion. A visit to the otorhinolaryngology department results in a diagnosis of adenoid hypertrophy with concurrent rhinitis. Despite taking ceftriaxone, azithromycin, Balanophylla oral liquid, and ambroxol oral solution, the white spots have not receded. What should be done?
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Week 31 Pregnancy Ultrasound Shows the Cervix Wrapped Around the Neck for a Week, What Precautions Should Be Taken? Can This Condition Deliver Naturally?

Analysis of Condition: Cervical wrapping is a common phenomenon in obstetrics, related to the length of the cervix and the activity of the fetus. Guidance: A wrapped cervix does not affect natural delivery. During labor, midwives will assist in managing cervical issues, and it’s also possible that the wrapping may no longer be present during delivery as the fetus changes its movements inside the uterus. Pay attention to fetal movements in daily life; if they are too frequent or too slow, seek medical attention promptly and monitor fetal heart rate.
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