How to Treat Pediatric Hydrocephalus?

The treatment of hydrocephalus primarily includes conservative therapy and surgical treatment. Conservative therapy, such as maintaining a high head position, limiting fluid intake, and taking diuretics, is limited in effectiveness. The most commonly used surgical treatment is the ventriculo-peritoneal shunt, which reduces intraventricular pressure by placing silicone tubes into the lateral ventricles and peritoneal cavity. Early surgery may help improve the child’s motor and intellectual functions.
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How to Treat Swollen Tonsils

For the past two years, I’ve been experiencing frequent inflammation. Since March 2013, it hasn’t improved. I have swollen tonsils, a hoarse voice, and phlegm in my throat. I consulted at Wusuli Hospital in Xinjiang. It might be due to tonsillitis and requires hospital treatment with nebulizer inhalation therapy, intravenous administration of antibiotics, hormones, antihistamines, antivirals, and other medications. Avoid spicy, alcoholic, cold, and other irritating foods in daily life. If the treatment is ineffective, consider tonsillectomy.
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