Is Ketotifen Tablet Used for Treating Children’s Asthma?

Ketotifen tablets can be used to prevent and treat childhood asthma by stabilizing mast cell membranes and reducing the release of IgE, thereby alleviating the symptoms of asthma attacks. However, its side effects may include drowsiness, sedation, weight gain, and more, and should be used under medical supervision. In addition, asthma prevention should include identifying allergens and avoiding contact, as well as strengthening the immune system and regularly using preventive medications. Common preventive medications include inhaled corticosteroids, leukotriene receptor antagonists, and cromolyn sodium as anti-inflammatory drugs. During acute attacks, additional use of β2-agonists or theophylline-like drugs may be added. In treatment, inhaled corticosteroids can be used first, and then switched to cromolyn sodium or ketotifen to maintain after the condition stabilizes. For children using ketotifen tablets, it is usually recommended to take 0.5 mg per dose twice a day for those under 3 years old; for those over 3 years old, 1 mg per dose twice a day.
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Normal Body Temperature Range for a 5-Month-Old Baby and Fever Management

For a 5-month-old baby, the normal underarm temperature should be between 36 to 37.3 degrees Celsius. If the baby’s morning temperature is 37.5 degrees, it indicates a low-grade fever, and it is recommended to continue medication treatment. When the temperature does not exceed 38.5 degrees, you can use a warm water sponge bath to help cool the baby down without immediately using fever-reducing medication.
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