How to Treat Pediatric Hydrocephalus?

The treatment of hydrocephalus primarily includes conservative therapy and surgical treatment. Conservative therapy, such as maintaining a high head position, limiting fluid intake, and taking diuretics, is limited in effectiveness. The most commonly used surgical treatment is the ventriculo-peritoneal shunt, which reduces intraventricular pressure by placing silicone tubes into the lateral ventricles and peritoneal cavity. Early surgery may help improve the child’s motor and intellectual functions.
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What Foods Can Help Relieve Excessive Phlegm in Children?

What foods can help relieve excessive phlegm in children? If there is an infection, antibiotic treatment can be administered, taking cefixime along with ambroxol oral solution. If it’s congenital laryngospasm caused by intrauterine calcium deficiency, it is recommended to supplement vitamin D and take children’s Icysin. Based on the symptoms you described, they mainly belong to the cough manifestation caused by bronchitis. Treatment should focus on anti-inflammatory, and intravenous therapy can be considered. Combine with dialectical treatment and consider Chinese medicine opsonize. Diet should be light and bland.
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Where in Beijing Can You Get Cured of Pediatric Cerebral Palsy and Achieve a Cure?

A child’s birth asphyxia led to involuntary tremors in the left hand and slight abnormalities in walking with the left foot, which were not easily noticeable unless closely observed. As the child grew older, the ability to grasp with the left hand declined, especially evident when handling small items. The main issue is hand tremors.
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