A friend inquired about the treatment methods for enteritis, particularly the feasibility of taking oral penicillin and cephalosporin injections as antibiotics.
Seeking treatment methods for infantile convulsions, exploring the possibility of combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine
Inquiring about treatment solutions for swollen tonsils
Traditional Chinese Medicine can offer a fundamental and curative effect for pediatric sleep epilepsy.
The child shows signs of development on the left chest, but the right chest is normal, possibly indicating precocious puberty.
Fever accompanied by right ear pain in the afternoon, lasting for four days, suspected to be related to Shaoyang syndrome, suggesting seeking treatment with Chinese medicine.
Ten months after glaucoma surgery, with good control of intraocular pressure, how can photophobia be improved?
Short penis in newborns can be treated through surgery, with the most effective method being penile elongation surgery. The surgery uses minimally invasive techniques, and postoperative care and hygiene should be noted, avoiding irritating foods, and wishing for a speedy recovery.
Patient’s left lower limb motor function recovery slow after eight months of surgery
Does a child’s high fever, fainting, and seizures indicate fever-induced convulsions? How can one determine the type of epilepsy?